Using the Secondary DNS to preserve a trustworthy copy of your data is an excellent idea. We’ll look at why and how in this article. But first, let’s learn about what the Domain Name System is for.

Domain Name System (DNS): What does it mean?

DNS is a naming database system that locates and converts Internet domain names into IP addresses. Consider it like a directory or, more recently, your phone’s contacts list, where names and phone numbers are correctly matched.


Are you wondering about learning more about the Monitoring service? If yes, you are in the right spot. Why? Because in this article today, we will explore and take deep into its primary purpose, general types of checks, and the main advantages of the Monitoring service. So, don’t waste any more time, and do it!

What is the definition of a Monitoring service?

Monitoring is essential for providing stable service and a pleasant user experience. It also aids in the detection of issues with your services, such as web, DNS, and email. It also gives you detailed information about the state of your servers and aids you in swiftly finding and resolving problems.

Choose a Monitoring service plan with great features!
