DDoS Protected DNS: How beneficial is it?

DDoS protected DNS is critical for maintaining a stable and secure online presence. Among the various tools and measures designed to defend against DDoS attacks, this one has emerged as a significant solution. In this blog post, we will explore the concept behind it and evaluate its benefits.

Understanding DDoS Attacks

A DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack involves overwhelming a target server or network with massive fake traffic from multiple sources. This flood of traffic exhausts the target’s resources, rendering it unable to respond to legitimate requests, leading to downtime and service disruptions. DDoS attacks are a serious threat to businesses, causing revenue loss, reputation damage, and customer dissatisfaction.

What is DDoS Protected DNS?

A DDoS protected DNS service is designed to mitigate the impact of DDoS attacks specifically on the DNS infrastructure. DNS is like the “phonebook” of the internet, translating user-friendly domain names into machine-readable IP addresses. When a website is under a DDoS attack, its DNS can become a significant bottleneck, preventing legitimate users from accessing the site even if the site’s servers are functioning correctly.

DDoS protected DNS services use various sophisticated techniques to detect and mitigate DDoS attacks in real time, ensuring that the DNS infrastructure remains available and responsive during an attack. These services are often offered by specialized DNS providers or as an add-on service by domain registrars and web hosting companies.

Benefits of DDoS Protected DNS

Some of the main advantages of implementing this service include the following:

  • Mitigation of DDoS Attacks: The primary benefit of DDoS protected DNS is its ability to detect and mitigate DDoS attacks. By filtering out malicious traffic, the service ensures that legitimate requests can reach their intended destinations, minimizing service disruptions and downtime.
  • Improved Website Performance: Since the service can handle and absorb large-scale DDoS attacks, it reduces the load on the web servers. This leads to better website performance, even during regular traffic peaks, resulting in an enhanced user experience.
  • Business Continuity: For online businesses, maintaining continuous availability is crucial. DDoS protected DNS ensures that the DNS infrastructure remains operational, even during an ongoing attack, allowing customers to access the website and conduct business without interruptions.
  • Reputation Protection: DDoS attacks can severely impact a company’s reputation. With DDoS protection in place, businesses demonstrate their commitment to security and resilience, instilling trust in their customers and partners.
  • Cost-Efficient Solution: Investing in such a service can be more cost-effective than trying to handle DDoS attacks on-premises. The infrastructure required to withstand large-scale attacks can be expensive to set up and maintain, making third-party solutions more viable.


In conclusion, DDoS protected DNS is a crucial layer of defence against the rising threat of DDoS attacks. By safeguarding the DNS infrastructure from overwhelming traffic, businesses can ensure the availability and performance of their online services, protecting their reputation and maintaining customer trust. While no security solution can guarantee complete invulnerability, incorporating DDoS protection into an organization’s cybersecurity strategy is undoubtedly a prudent and beneficial step.

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